Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week's top ten list bloggers get to choose a genre and list their top ten books for that particular genre.
Top Ten Zombie Books!
1. Hallowland by Amanda Hocking- Absolutely one of my favorites. This book captures the real sense of death and destruction. Also, the heroine is totally kickass and awesome!
2. The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan- While the first book was a little slow for me, books 2 and 3 really bring on the zombie. And I love me some Elias and Catcher =)
3. Dearly Departed by Lia Habel- Although these aren't your typical zombies (they're good guys!) I loved it all the same. It's really cool seeing a zombie romance. Who knew the undead really had manners?
4. The Enemy by Charlie Higgins- This book is pretty twisted. Its all about kids trying to survive in London after all the adults go crazy and start killing everyone.
5. The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks- A must read for any zombie fan! It will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to survive. One of my favorites!
6. Resident Evil series by S.D. Perry- I love the Resident evil video games and movies, so when I saw they were made into books too I picked up the entire series. My love for RE may have made me partial to this series, but there's some great zombie killing in these books.
7. The Cell by Stephen King- The first Stephen King book I've read and its great. Cell phone waves turn people into mindless drones who kill and destroy everything. It's pretty scary and will make you want to put down that phone.
8. World War Z by Max Brooks- Another Brooks book with some insanely good zombie stories. It's being made into a movie too, so you know it had to have been great.
9. As the World Dies trilogy by Rhiannon Frater- OK, so I'm cheating on this one, because I own the books but haven't read them yet. BUT I've only heard amazing reviews for them so I'm adding them to the list. I've got to start them soon!
10. The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman- This is another series I technically haven't read, but am in LOVE with the show on AMC. I know the story lines don't match up exactly, but if it has to do with zombies and created my new favorite show, then the comics have to be incredible.
Ok so there are a ton more zombie books out there, but these are some of my favorites. PLEASE leave suggestions of more zombie books that you think I'd love!